(2) Breathing (Version 3.0)

Use your breathing to improve your overall core function

Your Instructor

Betsy Petry-Johnson, PT, OCS
Betsy Petry-Johnson, PT, OCS

Even before my triplets were born, I knew my recovery would be difficult. But I assumed I could fall back on decades of physical conditioning and my expertise as a physical therapist and a Board-certified specialist in Orthopedics. Instead, 35 weeks of a triplet pregnancy and the monumental task of caring for 3 babies quickly humbled me.

When my physical recovery stalled, I tried a few reputable online programs. No luck. Growing ever more frustrated, I began to study courses for physical therapists who treat postpartum women. Only by breaking this information into smaller and smaller pieces could I finally see the compensations I'd constructed around a childhood injury. In combination with the effects of pregnancy, at last, I had my answers.

Over several months, I peeled away the movement patterns that blocked my progress and built a system of introspection and focused effort. I fleshed it out to cover multiple possible scenarios and then shared it with other mothers and physical therapists. They returned with terrific feedback for fine-tuning and with success in solving an array of issues. Instead of following one singular routine, this tailored exercise prescription meets unique needs and delivers hard-to-find results. Now, I'm so pleased to be able to share it with you.

Course Curriculum

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days after you enroll
  Assessment 1
Available in days
days after you enroll

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